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3.8. Când Opţiunile sunt Listate Mai Mult De O Dată

If you ever see something like the following, it means that the option you’re modifying is present more than once.

Exemplu 3.2. Ştergerea unei opţiuni care este listată de două ori

# crm_attribute --attr-name batch-limit --delete-attr

Multiple attributes match name=batch-limit in crm_config:
Value: 50          (set=cib-bootstrap-options, id=cib-bootstrap-options-batch-limit)
Value: 100         (set=custom, id=custom-batch-limit)
Please choose from one of the matches above and supply the 'id' with --attr-id

In such cases follow the on-screen instructions to perform the requested action. To determine which value is currently being used by the cluster, please refer to Chapter 8, Rules.