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10.3.4. Bundle Network Properties

A bundle may optionally contain one <network> element.

Table 10.12. XML attributes of a network Element

If TRUE, and ip-range-start is used, Pacemaker will automatically ensure that /etc/hosts inside the containers has entries for each replica name and its assigned IP.
If specified, Pacemaker will create an implicit ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 resource for each container instance, starting with this IP address, using up to replicas sequential addresses. These addresses can be used from the host’s network to reach the service inside the container, though it is not visible within the container itself. Only IPv4 addresses are currently supported.
If ip-range-start is specified, the IP addresses are created with this CIDR netmask (as a number of bits).
If ip-range-start is specified, the IP addresses are created on this host interface (by default, it will be determined from the IP address).
If the bundle contains a primitive, the cluster will use this integer TCP port for communication with Pacemaker Remote inside the container. Changing this is useful when the container is unable to listen on the default port, for example, when the container uses the host’s network rather than ip-range-start (in which case replicas-per-host must be 1), or when the bundle may run on a Pacemaker Remote node that is already listening on the default port. Any PCMK_remote_port environment variable set on the host or in the container is ignored for bundle connections.


Replicas are named by the bundle id plus a dash and an integer counter starting with zero. For example, if a bundle named httpd-bundle has replicas=2, its containers will be named httpd-bundle-0 and httpd-bundle-1.
Additionally, a network element may optionally contain one or more port-mapping elements.

Table 10.13. Attributes of a port-mapping Element

A unique name for the port mapping (required)
If this is specified, connections to this TCP port number on the host network (on the container’s assigned IP address, if ip-range-start is specified) will be forwarded to the container network. Exactly one of port or range must be specified in a port-mapping.
value of port
If port and this are specified, connections to port on the host’s network will be forwarded to this port on the container network.
If this is specified, connections to these TCP port numbers (expressed as first_port-last_port) on the host network (on the container’s assigned IP address, if ip-range-start is specified) will be forwarded to the same ports in the container network. Exactly one of port or range must be specified in a port-mapping.


If the bundle contains a primitive, Pacemaker will automatically map the control-port, so it is not necessary to specify that port in a port-mapping.