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1.4. Guest Nodes

"I want a Pacemaker cluster to manage virtual machine resources, but I also want Pacemaker to be able to manage the resources that live within those virtual machines."
Without pacemaker_remote, the possibilities for implementing the above use case have significant limitations:
With pacemaker_remote:
The key difference here between the guest nodes and the cluster nodes is that the guest nodes do not run the cluster stack. This means they will never become the DC, initiate fencing actions or participate in quorum voting.
On the other hand, this also means that they are not bound to the scalability limits associated with the cluster stack (no 16-node corosync member limits to deal with). That isn’t to say that guest nodes can scale indefinitely, but it is known that guest nodes scale horizontally much further than cluster nodes.
Other than the quorum limitation, these guest nodes behave just like cluster nodes with respect to resource management. The cluster is fully capable of managing and monitoring resources on each guest node. You can build constraints against guest nodes, put them in standby, or do whatever else you’d expect to be able to do with cluster nodes. They even show up in crm_mon output as nodes.
To solidify the concept, below is an example that is very similar to an actual deployment we test in our developer environment to verify guest node scalability:
With this deployment, you would have 64 webservers and databases running on 64 virtual machines on 16 hardware nodes, all of which are managed and monitored by the same Pacemaker deployment. It is known that pacemaker_remote can scale to these lengths and possibly much further depending on the specific scenario.