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3.2. Connection Resources for Remote Nodes

A remote node is defined by a connection resource. That connection resource has instance attributes that define where the remote node is located on the network and how to communicate with it.
Descriptions of these instance attributes can be retrieved using the following pcs command:
# pcs resource describe remote
ocf:pacemaker:remote - remote resource agent

Resource options:
  server: Server location to connect to. This can be an ip address or hostname.
  port: tcp port to connect to.
  reconnect_interval: Interval in seconds at which Pacemaker will attempt to
                      reconnect to a remote node after an active connection to
                      the remote node has been severed. When this value is
                      nonzero, Pacemaker will retry the connection
                      indefinitely, at the specified interval. As with any
                      time-based actions, this is not guaranteed to be checked
                      more frequently than the value of the
                      cluster-recheck-interval cluster option.
When defining a remote node’s connection resource, it is common and recommended to name the connection resource the same as the remote node’s hostname. By default, if no server option is provided, the cluster will attempt to contact the remote node using the resource name as the hostname.
Example defining a remote node with the hostname remote1:
# pcs resource create remote1 remote
Example defining a remote node to connect to a specific IP address and port:
# pcs resource create remote1 remote server= port=8938